
OFertilizer Blog

J Chen

How Long Can You Store Granular Fertilizer?

You can store granular fertilizers indefinitely because they do not go bad. You can keep a big bag of your pellets in the back shed for years and never worry about it getting expired. However, proper storage is still important. Even though granular fertilizers do not have an expiration date, they can get damaged if moisture gets in your bag. You need to store your fertilizers properly to keep them usable over long periods.

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Granular Fertilizer
J Chen

What is Micronutrient Granular Fertilizer?

Micronutrient granular fertilizer has micronutrients in the form of small pellets to help the land better support growing plants. These small pellets contain the nutrients plants need to grow healthy and strong. Micronutrient granular fertilizer also helps to revitalize a dying garden.

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